Sunday, 11 January 2009

hello world

Hello world!

So after much toing and froing I have taken the plunge and started to put my thoughts out there in the big old web. Who knows what is to come from this blog in the future but I hope that i can make my thoughts as interesting and entertaining as possible to those who read this.

So until tomorrow, wish me luck and see you on the other side

1 comment:

  1. Hello Laura,

    Good luck with this personal blog. I started a blog (unfortunately for you only in German) with a friend of mine about 2 years ago. Well, we should be posting more, but it was not designed to be shared with everyone (although online :-) Anyway, it feels good to go back to this blog once in a while throwing in good words - our blog is a piggy bank for words we like, find odd etc.

    Take care,

